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Tim Horton's Certified Green Restaurants®

Michael Oshman

"I believe guests will be the ones to force the change. It has now become an expectation of companies to do their part." 

In March of 2016, Rhonda Pardy brought her 6 Tim Horton locations to the Green Restaurant Association to become Certified Green Restaurants®. Within 3 months, they all achieved the goal of becoming Certified Green Restaurants®.  Over the past 4 years, Rhonda and her 6 Tim Hortons have demonstrated leadership in moving the restaurant industry toward environmental sustainability.  We recently caught up with her to learn more about her sustainability journey. Here is that interview: What motivated you to have your 6 locations become Certified Green Restaurants®? I first became introduced to the Green Restaurant Association at the Canadian Restaurant Show in Toronto.  I was impressed by the concept to motivate a healthier environment, the members associated and the quality of communication available to their guests.  I immediately wanted my restaurants among these industry leaders.  What are 1 or 2 things you wish the whole restaurant industry would do to help the environment? I wish everyone would just take a look at their own operations and make some changes, no matter how small. If every operation did that there would be a huge impact.  What would you say to a restaurateur that is not yet doing anything in the realm of sustainability? I would like to share the success I have had by implementing some changes within my restaurants. Everything from cost savings, a safer work environment, and positive feedback from guests, going green has been a win.   I believe guests will be the ones to force the change. It has now become an expectation of companies to do their part.  What are a couple of environmental steps you have already implemented, which make you the proudest? I am most proud of implementing Sci-tech Engineered Chemicals for all of our restaurant cleaning.  These products are certified by the Green Restaurant Association, UL certified, CFIA approved and are extremely effective and cost-efficient. Knowing my team and customers are safe while maintaining my stores to above-average standards is very gratifying for me. I’m also proud to be educating my team of over 300 staff on how we can all chip into to create change.  How do you think your sustainability steps are received by millennial customers and staff? The steps I’ve taken have been very well received by both my staff and customers.  They appreciate the efforts and show it through their ongoing support of my business.  It is a team effort!! 

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