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  • Michael Oshman

Call to Action

Happy September! With 2020 just around the corner, the Green Restaurant Association will be turning 30 years old. We are amazed at the breadth and pace with which the restaurant industry is now taking on sustainability. New York City now has its polystyrene foam ban in place. Vegan meats have swept the fast food industry and the stock market. Manufacturers, restaurants, and distributors are working hard to keep up the consumer demand. Together, we have built a strong momentum to shift the industry towards sustainability. But now is not the time to let up.

Climate change, ocean pollution, and unsustainable food production continue to exact a large environmental price. The majority of restaurants are still far from sustainable. With 2020 fast approaching, let us work together to help each restaurant, manufacturer, distributor, waste hauler, and all other segments of the restaurant industry to put sustainability front and center to how business is done.

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